The consecration usually takes place around the 11th month after the funeral but can be done at an alternate date if you prefer by arrangement with the Rabbi.
Once your family have decided on the wording it should be checked by a Rabbi. If your family wish to have any Hebrew on the headstone this must be signed off by a Rabbi who will also attach a code to translate the Hebrew for the cemetery. Please contact the Rabbi or one of the Progressive synagogues.
If you are wanting to make an appointment with the cemetery to discuss the headstone, please be aware that due to COVID and staff shortages at the cemetery, appointments can take up to 3-4 months to happen.
On completion of the headstone or plaque and when you have checked the actual stone, please call the Rabbi or synagogue to arrange a consecration service.
Please note that Bet-Olam Jewish Funerals will always support and try to help facilitate this, but the consecration service is a private one between family and clergy.